Need another reason to lose weight? Obesity-cancer link reaffirmed
There may be plenty of room for debate about whether some aspects of everyday life cause cancer -- whether it's drinking too much coffee,...

Your parents hold clues to your life expectancy, heart health
Your parents may have a significant influence on how likely you are to stay healthy later in life. Scientists have long suspected that...

CRISPR - Cas9: Gene editing technology
This animation depicts the CRISPR - Cas9 method for genome editing – a powerful new technology with many applications in biomedical...

One hour of physical activity daily can improve your health
It's well-known that sitting down all day, be it at your desk, on the couch or in a car, is bad for your health. People know they should...

Mean Age of Mothers is on the Rise: United States, 2000–2014
Key findings - Data from the National Vital Statistics System The mean age of mothers has increased from 2000 to 2014 for all birth...

US fertility rate falls to lowest on record
Figure: Birth rates, by selected ages of the mother, United States, 1990-2015 The US fertility rate fell to the lowest point since record...

Male Fertility May Decline With Age
It has long been known that females have a ticking biological clock when it comes to reproduction, but evidence suggests that male...

Study: Men’s Overall Health Is Related to IVF Success
In the first report exploring links between men’s somatic health and assisted reproductive technology (ART) outcomes, researchers...