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“Unless you try to do something beyond what you have already mastered, you will never grow.”

Ronald E. Osborn

New England Journal of Medicine NEJM
American Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology
Fertility and Sterility Journal
Obstetrics & Gynecology Jounal
Journal of Assisted Reproduction & Genetics
  • Shen P, Mirzayan R, Jain T, McPhereson J, Cornwell EE.  Gunshot wound to the thoracic aorta with peripheral arterial bullet embolization: case report and literature review.  J Trauma 1998;44:394-7.


  • Jain T, VanKessel K, Reed S, Paley P.  Leydig cell tumor, mature teratoma, and non-gestational choriocarcinoma in a single ovary.  Obstet Gynecol 2000;95:1031.


  • Jain T, Eckert L.  Abdominal pregnancy with lithopedion formation presenting as a pelvic abscess.  Obstet Gynecol 2000;96:808-9.


  • Jain T.  Physicians-in-training & the Internet: Where’s the connection?  J Am Assoc Phys of Indian Orig 2000;5:10.



  • Jain T, Klein NA, Lee DM, Sluss PM, Soules MR. Endocrine assessment of relative reproductive age in normal eumenorrheic younger and older women across multiple cycles.  Am J Obstet Gynecol 2003;189:1080-4.







  • Jain T, Missmer SA, Hornstein MD.  Trends in embryo-transfer practice and in outcomes of the use of assisted reproductive technology in the United States.  Obstet Gynecol Surv 2005;60:176-78.






  • Zaidi N, Scoccia B, Leach RL, Jain T.  Moderate conscious sedation for in vitro fertilization oocyte retrieval procedures in an office setting.  Int J Anesth 2007;12(1).





  • Jain T, Gupta RS.  Increased use of ICSI for treatment of infertility other than male-factor infertility.  Nature Clin Pract Urology 2007;4:579-80.


  • Missmer SA, Jain T.  Sex selection demand and preferences among infertility patients in Midwestern United States.  J Assist Reprod Genet 2007;24:451-7.




  • Jain T, Luke B, Leach RE.  Assisted reproductive technology and perinatal outcomes: What you and your patients should know.  ACOG Update  September, 2008.





  • Ressler IB, Jain T.  Reversible contraception: Does it impact future fertility?  Contemporary Ob/Gyn.  September 2010.



  • Seifer DB, Sharara FI, Jain T (2013).  Toward a Better Understanding of Racial Disparities in Utilization and Outcomes of IVF Treatment in the USA.  In F.I. Sharara (Ed.), Ethnic Differences in Fertility and Assisted Reproduction (pp. 239-44).  New York, NY: Springer.

  • McQueen DB, Boots C, Jain T, Zhang J, Robins JC.  History of aspiration pressure.  Fertil Steril Dialog. Nov 26 2019.

  • Babayev E, Jain T.  Intravaginal culture using INVOCELL: Is it a viable treatment option for infertility?  Fertil Steril Reports. Feb 2021.

  • Babayev E, Jain T.  Intravaginal culture using INVOCELL: Is it a viable treatment option for infertility?  Fertil Steril Rep 2021;5:7-8.



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Chicago, Illinois, United States

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