IVF success tied to insurance coverage
Women who have insurance coverage for in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be more likely to have a baby than women who have to pay entirely...
Doctors urge more exercise for pregnant women - new report
Old health advice often dies hard. This is particularly true — perhaps dangerously so — of historic advice for pregnant women, according...
DHA in Pregnancy Had No Impact on Child IQ - study
Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplements during pregnancy had no significant impact on either IQ or cognition scores of children compared...
Phone device tests male fertility with 98% accuracy, study shows
A new smartphone attachment can evaluate a man's semen and determine his level of fertility with up to 98% accuracy, a new study has...
Nearly 25 Million Women in US Don’t Have Nearby Access to Infertility Services
While a woman can get basic infertility exams and ovulation-induction treatments from her regular gynecologist, she typically needs to...
Artificial embryo created for the first time in historic break-thru
Image: An artificially created three-dimensional model of a mouse embryo at 96 hours, left, and then an embryo cultured in a test tube...
CDC: Overall Fertility Rate Down 10% Among U.S. Women
Overall fertility rates and reproductive rates have fallen among U.S. women from 1990 to 2014, despite a 10-year spike from the mid-1990s...