No increased risk of cancer in children born after fertility treatment
Children born after assisted reproductive technology (ART) do not appear to be at greater risk of developing cancer than other children,...

Removal of ovary for fertility preservation found safe in girls as young as 5 months
In the first publication from the U.S. on surgical techniques and outcomes of single ovary removal for fertility preservation in girls,...

BPA replacements in plastics cause reproductive problems in lab mice
Twenty years ago, researchers made the accidental discovery that the now infamous plastics ingredient known as bisphenol A or BPA had...

Paternal smoking linked to miscarriage risk
Would-be fathers may increase their partner’s risk of miscarriage by smoking during the pregnancy, or even during the time leading up to...

Preserving fertility during chemotherapy
One of the most significant impairments of the quality of life after a chemotherapy is infertility. Researchers have now identified the...

Parents in two cities grieve their lost embryos
When Kate and Jeremy Plants were making plans for their 2014 marriage, they had no idea the future they would face. Just months after...

Breakthrough as scientists grow sheep embryos containing human cells
Growing human organs inside other animals has taken another step away from science-fiction, with researchers announcing they have grown...

California Warns About Cell Phone Exposure And Health Risks
The connection between cell phone radiation and health risks is far from settled—but it’s strong enough that the California Department of...