A CRISPR calf is born - Designed to produce male offspring
UC Davis scientists spent years CRISPR editing a sex-determinig gene into bovine embryos. In April 2020, Cosmo arrived.

Lab-grown sperm could let infertile men have gene edited children
The first reliable way of isolating sperm stem cells from the testes and growing them outside the body could help infertile men.

Scientists Made a Mouse That's 4 Percent Human
Scientists have created a human-mouse chimera with 4 percent human cells—the most of any chimera to date.

Cells edited with CRISPR prove safe in humans
The first human trial of cells modified with CRISPR gene-editing technology shows that the treatment is safe and lasting.

A 3 month timeline of how COVID-19 infected the US
Detailed 3 month timeline of how life changed in the US due to corona virus

Coping During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Emotional Responses Fertility patients are unsurprisingly anxious and panicked about COVID-19, fearful about what the future holds, and...

Marijuana may impair female fertility
Female eggs exposed to THC, the psychoactive ingredient in marijuana, have an impaired ability to produce viable embryos

COVID-19 disrupts pregnancy plans, raises anxiety and questions
Some pregnant women fear giving birth with no loved ones by their side. Others worry about getting sick with COVID-19.