A short animated film about infertility
This short animated film explores one couple's struggle as they embark on IVF, facing an unknown future. Source: FormPlayStudio

Reboot your get-in-shape goals with yoga's mind-body connection
At the start of every year, millions of people resolve to get in shape. A few months later, the majority of them have abandoned their...

Hang Out With Happy People — It Might Be Contagious
You can actually catch a good mood or a bad mood from your friends, according to a recent study in the journal Royal Society Open...

Busy brain not letting you sleep? 8 experts offer tips
Some nights, it's like you can't get your brain to shut up long enough for you to fall asleep. You're mentally reviewing the day you just...

Stress hormone may help explain health advantages of marriage
Married couples may be healthier than single, divorced or widowed adults at least in part because they have lower levels of a stress...

What to Say (and What Not to Say) to Someone with Infertility Issues
Infertility is an extremely sensitive topic. Knowing what to say, and perhaps more importantly, how to communicate with someone...

How Breathing Works
We breathe constantly, but have you ever thought about how breathing works? Discover the ins and outs of one of our most basic living...

Yoga Boosts Brain Function
Research has revealed that just one 20 minute session of Hatha yoga considerably improved speed and accuracy on tests of inhibitory...