No increased risk of cancer in children born after fertility treatment
Children born after assisted reproductive technology (ART) do not appear to be at greater risk of developing cancer than other children,...

Short interval between pregnancies linked to increased risks for mom, baby
Women who wait just a short time to become pregnant after delivering a child may put themselves and their next baby at greater risk for...

Daily low-dose aspirin found to have no effect on healthy life span in older people
In a large clinical trial to determine the risks and benefits of daily low-dose aspirin in healthy older adults without previous...

For women undergoing IVF, is fresh or frozen embryo transfer best?
IVF experts disagree about whether transferring a fresh or frozen embryo to a patient's womb offers the best opportunity for healthy...

Makeup of a persons gut bacteria may play role in weight loss
A preliminary study published in the August issue of Mayo Clinic Proceedings suggests that, for some people, specific activities of gut...

Secondhand smoke causing thousands of still births in developing countries
Exposure to secondhand smoke during pregnancy increases the risk of stillbirth, congenital malformations, low birth-weight and...

Doctors rely on more than just data for medical decision-making
Many technology companies are working on artificial intelligence systems that can analyze medical data to help diagnose or treat health...

Babys sex may influence risk of pregnancy-related complications
The sex of a baby controls the level of small molecules known as metabolites in the pregnant mother's blood, which may explain why risks...